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Sponsor A Bike

In 2004, a group of social activists and educators volunteering with refugee families in Clarkston noticed that young refugee women were struggling to succeed in metroAtlanta secondary schools. It was clear that many of them had experienced significant gaps in their education before arriving in the U.S.. These volunteers were awarded a start up grant from the Atlanta Women’s Foundation to open a full day school for 30 refugee teenage girls. Decatur Presbyterian Church generously offered to provide space free of charge to establish a program now called Global Village Project.


Today the project serves refugee students from countries including Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Burma, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Liberia, and Democratic Republic of Congo. In cooperation with the SOPO Bike Cooperative and the generous funding from a grant provided by the Rands Foundation, bicycles were given to students to support greater freedom of access throughout the community and to add a measure of enjoyment for the girls. Global Spokes, with support from SOPO, will continue to keep the students supplied with bikes and safety accessories.

Global Spokes, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. All donations are tax deductible.


Special Offer...

Yours FREE with a $125 donation!

Our friend and supporter Pattie Baker has begun crafting earrings from bicycle parts and tubes, and will give away a pair to any anyone who donates $125 or more.

Every bike that is donated by Global Spokes comes with a helmet, lock, and safety lights.

It is our goal to do our best in providing good refurbished bikes with accessories that will support a safe biking experience. For this to happen we count on our skilled volunteers to make sure that the bikes are in good condition. The combined cost for accessories runs around $55 - $60. This is where financial donations can make a big impact. Please consider being a part of the plan to help fund these important accessories. We call this our “Sponsor a Bike” program.
And, by the way, check out this new bike stand that we have installed at the site of our “coming soon” bike shop located next to the bike path in Clarkston. 

We will pick up bikes

Have a question? Want to donate a bike or volunteer with us? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you soon!

Bicycle Lesson
"We rode 8 miles Saturday on the path. Next step, the Silver Comet! Jennifer love riding with her feet up on the frame. She makes me laugh with her joy. Enclosed is a check to bring joy to the next child! Thanks so much."

Donate A Ride

Every bike that is donated by Global Spokes comes with a helmet, lock, and safety lights. It is our goal to do our best in providing good refurbished bikes with accessories that will support a safe biking experience.


Global Spokes, Inc

1658 Timberland Rd NE

Atlanta, GA 30345

© 2024 Global Spokes
Tax I.D. 85-0492047

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